Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Let's Return to the Bennetts, go backward to the Dutch Reformed Church of New York and MORE PATRIOTS

On Monday May 10, 2010, I blogged that my paternal grandmother's mother was born Alida Jane Bennett on 20 March 1835 in Milan, Cayuga, New York to Jeremiah Bennett and Sarah Winne.  Many records of the ancestors of Sarah Winne (born 11 Nov 1801 in Albany New York of David Winne and Alida V. Benthuysen) are found in Year Books of the Holland Society of New York (1926/7) - Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, New York, 1683-1809.

The Dutch Reformed Church was situated in the middle of the city’s main intersection from the 1650s to 1806.  Enlarged about 1715, the Dutch church shown on the left, and in all contemporary community iconography, was the largest building in colonial Albany and was described by a number of visitors. The Dutch church clearly was colonial Albany's premier social institution!

From Moravia Rural Cemetery:
Winne, David d. Mar 5, 1848 b. Aug 22, 1774
Winne, Alida his wife d. Nov 13, 1818 b. Sep 20, 1776

Albany DR church records:
28 Aug 1774 Parents Lavinus Winne and Maria Lansing, Child David born 23 Aug, Sponsors David Groesbeck and Sara Winne

US Census
1820-1840 David Winne NY Cayuga Co., Locke born NY between 1770-1780

1850 NY Cayuga Locke
Winnie, Sarah 61 NY (probably second wife)
Winnie, Mariah 26 NY (probably dau)

1810 NY Schenectady Schenectady 2nd ward
Winne, David

baptisms of David Winne and Alida van Benthuysen's children:
Schenectady RC
12 feb 1804, Rachel b. 11 jan
Albany RC
bo. Nov. 11 1801, Sarah of David Winne and Alida V. Benthuysen.
20 dec 1795 Gessis b. 7 nov 1795  of David Winne and Alida V. Benthuysen.

Looks like David moved to Cayuga Co some time after 1810 and before 1818 when his wife died.

Oops, guess what - another Revolutionary War Patriot: 
From DAR
Lavinius Winne
Birth: 7-5-1745    ALBANY CO NEW YORK
Death: 3-29-1824     WATERVLIET NEW YORK
Service Description: 1) COL SCHUYLER

And his father also - Benjamin Winne
Dar site:
Birth: 12-21-1705    HOLLAND

Benjamin Winne was son of another Livinius Winne -
  Livinius Winne by Stefan Bielinski

    "Livinius / Levinius Winne was born during the mid-seventeenth century. He was the son of New Netherland pioneers Pieter and Teunjte Adams Winne. He grew up at the family mill in Bethlehem and at his father's trading house in Bevewyck/Albany. In 1684, he was left a share in his father's extensive estate. By the early 1680s, he had married Teuntje Martens Van Buren (This is incorrect) By 1687, the marriage had produced four children who were baptized at the Albany Dutch church where he was a member and frequent baptism sponsor. However, Teuntje Martens died and Livinius married Willempie Viele (widow of Simon Schermerhorn) in June 1699. By 1705, three more children had been baptized in Albany. Livinius Winne was a tenant farmer in Rensselaersyck (probabaly on Castle Island) and in Albany where he owned houses and lots. He served on Albany juries and as firemaster. In 1699, he joined his Albany neighbors in swearing allegiance to the king of England. Livinius Winne died in November 1706".

    SOURCE: http://www.rootsweb.com/~nycoloni/chbur_wz.html

Benjamin was one of the three children born to Livinius' second wife, Willemptji Viele.
Family 2  Willemptje Viele 
Married  20 Jun 1699  Albany Co, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
Notes  Married:
  • Gen of 1st Settlers of Albany p 151
    Gen of 1st Settlers of Albany p 152
    a/c GenFerret www.crocker.com/~jcamp/fw.html
    Larry & Kathy McCurdy kalamcc@aol.com
    Coll on Hist of Albany p 184v
    Hudson-Mohawk Gen & Fam Memoirs p 598-600
    Intn'l bk # 0-8063-4916-6
    New Netherlands Vital Rec 1600's #1797

    "Winney Family of Saratoga Co. NY Branch" by Paul W. Prinale 929.273 W73pp
    p 4 "Teuntje d by 20 Jun 1699 when Lavinus Winne, widower of Teuntje Martanse, md Willemje
    Viele, widow of Symon Schermerhoorn (HSYB 1904:30)

    Marr of Albany Co NY
Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs: Winne
(II) Lavinus, son of Peter and Tamatjie (Adams) Winne, was born in Holland in 1647. He came to America with his father and was then thirty-seven years of age. His first wife was Teuntje Martense, whom he probably married in Holland. He married (second) Williamje Viele Schermerhorn and had children: Benjamin, Killian, Petrus, Marten, Bata, Maria Sara and Bluyan.

named in father's will, see Calendar of Wills p 481 #2130 dtd 6 Jul
1684 Dutch.

Levenies Winne Dutch Settlers' Yearbook places Lavinus as the second child
(first child of Tannatje Adams.)
a/c Dutch Settlers of Albany (book) p 184v he b "1647 in Curacao, Netherlands,
Antilles, West Indies"; also from www.users.crocker.com/~jcamp/fw.html
and lisa_rabe@hotmail.com www.geocities.com/lisa_rabe b 1647
gives bd as poss 8 Jul 1737 "Marte Winnig" Ref Dutch Ch
rec # 279.
37 yrs age when came to America a/c Hudson Mohawk Fam Hist p 598;
also see origin of Winne in Word doc from S. NY Fam Hist. p 880
Therefore, b 1647

Gen of 1st Settlers of Albany p 152

Ancestral Lines by Carl Boyer 1998 pg 689

Kiliaan not listed as ch; but Teuntje in his place. a/c
freepages.genealogy.roots yesselsteyn. She md Matthews
Bond 15 Apr 1735 in Catskill, Greene Co. NY
Marr rec listed as Denche Winne

MORTGAGES 1658-60 AND WILLS 1681-1765 127
Release by the heirs of Pieter Winne for their respective portions of their father's estate
[99] Whereas Pieter Winne of the city and county of Albany, deceased, by his last will and testament dated the 31st of December1688 did bequeath and devise his estate, real and personal, remaining after his and his wife's death and the payment of all of his debts, to his youngest son Daniel Winne, on condition that he pay to his brothers and sisters within six following years, each year a just sixth part, [their portion of the estate] according to appraisal made by impartial persons, [said estate] to be divided among said brothers and sisters share and share alike; and whereas the court of Albany has appointed as administrators of the estate Livinus Winne and Casper Leendertz and as appraisers Jacob Lokermans, Luyks Gerritz, Gerrit van Nes and Anthony Bratt, who have appraised the same at the sum of two hundred and forty-one pounds, sixteen shillings current money and whereas there are eleven heirs, to each of whom there is coming for his portion L 21-19-71/? and after the appraisal some debts against the estate have come in amounting to [amount on my copy not legible] by that there remains due to each L 21-7-71/?; and whereas Eva Winne died after having received five yearly portions and
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Page 146

Frans Winne, as guardian of her children, has received the sixth or last part, being L 3-2, and Marte Winne has deceased and left a child to whom there is due as his inheritance L 11-14, which Frans Winne, guardian of the aforesaid child, has received; and whereas Adam Winne, eldest son of the testator, died before the appraisal or partition of the estate was made, so that Livinus Winne, guardian of the children of his brother Adam Winne, deceased, has received the full portion of the inheritance left, to wit, L 21-7-71/2; therefore we, the undersigned, heirs of the estate of Pieter Winne, deceased, acknowledge and [100] declare that we have been fully satisfied for our inheritance, real and personal, that we have no further claims, whether large or small, against the estate, and that this shall serve as a general acquittance for the same. Given under our hands in Albany this 29th day of January 1703/4.
Was signed:
his Livinus L. W. Winne mark
his Casper K L Leenderse mark
Frans Winne
Jelles Vonda
Hendrik Janse
his Jacob I W Winne mark
her Teuntie T Winne mark
his Daniel X Winne mark

WINNE, EDWIN and WILLIAM FRY; sons of Jacob Lansing, b. 1788, d. 1860 (m. Julia Ann Fry), alderman of Albany city; son of Livinius, b. 1745, d. 1825 (m. Marytje Lansing); son of Benjamin, b. 1705, d. 1797 (m. Rachel Van Aman); son of Livinus, b. 1647, d. 1706
(m. 1st, Teuntje Martense, 2nd, Mrs. Williamje Viele Schemerhorn, the mother of Benjamin); son of PIETER WINNE. See 750. [747]
WINNE, FRANKLIN, Albany; son of JOSEPH FRY WINNE, of Albany (m. Alida W. Scovel); son of Jacob Lansing, b. 1788, d. 1860 (m. Julia Ann Try), alderman of Albany city; son of Livinius, b. 1745, d. 1825 (m. Marytje Lansing); son of Benjamin, b. 1705, d. 1797 (m. Rachel Van Arnam); son of Livinus, b. 1647, d. 1706 (m. 1st, Teuntje Martense, 2nd, 1699 Mrs. Willempje Viele Schemerhorn, the mother of Benjamin); son of PIETER WINNE. See 750. [748]
WINNE, CHARLES VISSCHER, Albany; son of Nannlng Yisscher of Albany, b. 1807, d. 1858 (m. Rachel, dau. of Garret Van Sante Bleecker), M. D , grad. Union Coll., 1824, Yale Coll., 1826, com.-surgeon with rank of lieut.-col. on Major-General Stephen Van Rensselaer's staff; son of Livinus Lansing of Albany, b. 1783, d. 1816 (m. Ann Visscher), grad. Union Coll., 1804, captain U. S. A., 1812, served in war of 1812, son of Livinius of Albany, b. 1745, d. 1825 (m. Marytje Lansing); son of Benjamin of Albany, b. 1705, d. 1797 (m. Rachel Van Arnam); son of Livinus of Albany, b. 1647, d. 1706 (m. 1st, Teuntje Martense, 2nd, Mrs. Williamje Viele Schemerhorn, the mother of Benjamin); son of PIETER WINNE. See 750. [749]
PIETER WINNE (ancestor of 747, 748, 749), was born in the city of Ghent, Flanders, and bis wife, Tannatje Adams, was born in the city of Leeuwaerden in Vrieslandt, came to America and settled at Bethlehem near Albany, July 6, 1684, when they made a joint will. The family is probably of British descent and the same as the Wynns of Wales, having migrated to Holland during the Puritan troubles. See Munsell's History of Albany.

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